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Flutter Foundations Course - Complete Package
1. Intro & Project Overview (45m)
1. What you will learn in this course (3:14)
2. Section overview (1:15)
3. VSCode Shortcuts, Extensions & Settings for Flutter development (1:44)
4. Join the Discord Server (0:48)
5. Course Project on GitHub (2:01)
6. Download the Starter Project & pubspec.yaml overview (5:26)
7. eCommerce app overview (3:38)
8. Project structure & code walkthrough (6:25)
9. Exploring the codebase with the Widget Inspector (DevTools) (3:38)
10. UI Design Principles: Composition & Reusable Widget Classes (5:02)
11. Useful Widgets for Responsive Design (8:24)
12. App Localization (3:45)
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2. Navigation with GoRouter (1h09m)
1. Section Intro (2:51)
2. Limitations of Navigator 1.0 (6:54)
3. GoRouter installation & initial setup with MaterialApp.router (6:27)
4. Routes, sub-routes and navigation (7:43)
5. GoRouterHelper Extension and pageBuilder (3:54)
6. Adding some additional routes (6:18)
7. Routing by path vs routing by name (4:35)
8. Routing with parameters (6:30)
9. GoRouter Error Handling (3:45)
10. Navigating with go vs push (3:40)
11. Adding the remaining routes (6:13)
12. How to pop a route with GoRouter (4:22)
13. Nested Navigation (1:40)
14. Wrap up + Exercise (3:38)
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3. Flutter App Architecture (38m)
1. Section Intro (1:56)
2. Popular App Architectures: MVC, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Bloc (4:15)
3. Riverpod App Architecture with the Controller-Service-Repository Pattern (6:17)
4. Project Structure: Feature-first vs Layer-first (6:23)
5. The Repository Pattern and the Data Layer (4:23)
6. Implementing the "fake" products repository as a singleton (5:34)
7. Working with Future and Stream-based APIs (6:45)
8. Wrap Up (2:27)
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4. State Management with Riverpod - Part 1 (1h)
1. Section Intro (3:49)
2. Introduction to Riverpod (4:50)
3. Riverpod installation and setup (3:35)
4. Creating our first provider (4:25)
5. Reading providers with ConsumerWidget and Consumer (7:11)
6. Working with FutureProvider, StreamProvider, and AsyncValue (6:34)
7. Testing AsyncValue by adding a delay (3:24)
8. The family modifier (5:41)
9. The autoDispose modifier + advanced data caching options with keepAlive() & Timer (9:33)
10. Creating a reusable AsyncValueWidget helper (8:17)
11. Wrap Up + Exercise (2:43)
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5. State Management with Riverpod - Part 2 (1h43m)
1. Section intro (2:25)
2. Implementing a fake authentication repository (4:36)
3. Creating repositories using abstract classes (optional) (3:58)
4. Intro: a reactive in-memory store with RxDart (3:13)
5. Implementing the InMemoryStore with RxDart (5:02)
6. Using the InMemoryStore in the FakeAuthRepository (4:53)
7. Accessing the FakeAuthRepository with in the AccountScreen (3:54)
8. Creating our first controller using StateNotifier (7:46)
9. Using the StateNotifier inside the AccountScreen widget (3:48)
10. Listening to provider state changes with ref.listen() (6:48)
11. Bug-fix for Navigator.pop (2:37)
12. The AsyncValue.guard method (2:09)
13. Adding an AsyncValue extension method (3:28)
14. Using the authStateChangesProvider in HomeAppBar (5:29)
15. Intro to the email & password sign-in screen (4:52)
16. How to generate immutable state classes in Dart (EmailPasswordSignInState) (3:05)
17. Using AsyncValue inside EmailPasswordSignInState (2:20)
18. Implementing the EmailPasswordSignInController (6:31)
19. Using the EmailPasswordSignInController in the widget class (7:26)
20. Bug fix + filtering state updates with select() (5:48)
21. GoRouter redirects (5:58)
22. GoRouter: the refreshListenable argument (5:12)
23. Wrap Up + Exercise (2:00)
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6. Automated Testing - Part 1 (1h39m)
1. Section Intro (1:59)
2. Introduction to Automated Testing and the Testing Pyramid (4:43)
3. Getting started with automated testing (2:28)
4. Writing the first unit test + adding toString() and equality implementations (4:09)
5. Test matchers and working with methods that throw exceptions (6:18)
6. Fixing the getProduct() method and updating the unit tests (3:39)
7. Working with groups and testing Futures and Streams (4:57)
8. Adding an optional delay to the FakeProductsRepository (4:14)
9. How to generate a Flutter test coverage report in VSCode (3:41)
10. Testing the FakeAuthRepository (part 1) (6:26)
11. Testing the FakeAuthRepository (part 2) + advanced stream matchers (7:00)
12. Mocks vs Fakes + installing the mocktail package (2:45)
13. Testing the AccountScreenController (part 1) + AsyncValue subclasses (4:41)
14. Testing the AccountScreenController (part 2) + working with mocks (7:35)
15. Testing the AccountScreenController (part 3) + type matchers (3:12)
16. Testing with Stream Matchers and Predicates (5:58)
17. Testing lifecycle methods (setUp, tearDown, setUpAll, tearDownAll) (4:48)
18. Testing the EmailPasswordSignInController with Acceptance Criteria (7:07)
19. Testing the EmailPasswordSignInController (part 2) (6:23)
20. Tip: setting custom test timeouts per-file (2:07)
21. Adding a test workflow to automate testing with GitHub Actions (3:26)
22. Wrap up (1:18)
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7. Automated Testing - Part 2 (1h27m)
1. Section Intro (2:42)
2. Introduction to widget tests + starter project (2:27)
3. Writing our first widget test using pumpWidget() (4:09)
4. Working with WidgetTester and finder (4:38)
5. Robot testing (4:54)
6. How to find widgets by key (3:43)
7. Writing widget tests with mocks and provider overrides (7:54)
8. Writing widget tests with Future.delayed() and runAsync() (4:51)
9. Adding the email & password widget tests (6:08)
10. Adding the email & password widget tests (part 2) (4:55)
11. Test setup for the authentication flow + using pumpAndSettle() (7:03)
12. Fixing the RenderFlex overflow error (2:10)
13. Completing the authentication flow test (8:42)
14. Integration tests (5:30)
15. Golden image tests (7:14)
16. Running golden image tests with size variants (5:43)
17. How to deal with Golden Image tests failing on CI (1:42)
18. Wrap Up (2:49)
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8. Feature: Shopping Cart (2h27m)
1. Section Intro (2:29)
2. Overview of the shopping cart feature + technical requirements (6:29)
3. App Architecture for the Shopping Cart Feature (2:54)
4. Starter project + Overview of the data and domain layers (8:47)
5. Local Data Persistence with Sembast: Initial Setup (7:21)
6. How to persist the shopping cart data with the SembastCartRepository (5:26)
7. Implementing the CartService class (7:24)
8. Updating the CartService class to read dependencies using Ref (3:32)
9. Writing unit tests using ProviderContainer (4:31)
10. Writing the unit tests the CartService class (7:41)
11. Implementing the AddToCartController (9:07)
12. Updating the AddToCartWidget (7:42)
13. Bug Fix: Adding autoDispose to the AddToCartController (2:31)
14. Showing the cart items in the ShoppingCartScreen + AutoDispose vs AlwaysAlive error when combining providers (5:59)
15. Implementing the ShoppingCartItemController (5:18)
16. Updating the EditOrRemoveItemWidget and ShoppingCartScreen widgets (4:38)
17. Calculating and showing the cart items count (4:06)
18. Calculating and showing the cart total price (5:18)
19. Limiting the available quantity when adding items to the shopping cart (6:15)
20. Implementing the CartSyncService with a listener (5:36)
21. Registering the CartSyncService with ProviderContainer when the app starts (3:06)
22. Implementing the logic inside the CartSyncService (4:35)
23. Implementing the logic inside the CartSyncService (part 2 - optional) (5:22)
24. Unit tests for the CartSyncService (11:12)
25. Unit-testing providers with dependencies using ProviderContainer (4:04)
26. Updated widget and integration tests (3:41)
27. Wrap up + exercise (implement a wish list feature) (1:42)
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9. Feature: Checkout Flows (24m)
1. Section intro (2:04)
2. Starter project for the checkout flows (3:23)
3. Updating the CheckoutScreen with the PageController initialization logic (6:30)
4. Do we need a StateNotifier for the CheckoutScreen? (2:16)
5. Updating the PaymentPage (1:57)
6. Implementing the PaymentButtonController (7:06)
7. Wrap Up (1:11)
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10. Error Handling (52m)
1. Section Intro (3:09)
2. Errors vs exceptions (1:51)
3. Starter project overview + defining custom exceptions with enums and subclasses (5:14)
4. Using sealed classes to define exception types (2:59)
5. Using the AppException sealed class in the FakeAuthRepository (4:12)
6. Adding an AsyncErrorLogger using ProviderObserver (7:30)
7. Creating a reusable ErrorLogger to catch all exceptions (6:22)
8. Completing the error handling system (8:49)
9. Working with the Result type (Success and Error) (8:15)
10. Drawbacks of the Result type (and when not to use it) (2:16)
11. Wrap up (1:20)
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11. Feature: Product Reviews (54m)
1. Section Intro (2:17)
2. Starter project overview (7:25)
3. Overview of the LeaveReviewScreen (3:01)
4. Implemeting a LeaveReviewController and submitting form data (5:21)
5. Testing the LeaveReviewForm and preventing an AssertionError (5:13)
6. Dismissing the LeaveReviewScreen programmatically on success using a callback (3:06)
7. How to prefill a form with data from a repository/backend (6:17)
8. Optimization: only submit the form if the data has changed (3:08)
9. Showing existing reviews in the ProductReviewsList (4:38)
10. Updating the LeaveReviewAction by reading read data from the userPurchaseProvider (5:17)
11. Calculating the average product ratings (4:24)
12. Updated tests & wrap up (3:32)
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12. Feature: Product Search (23m)
1. Section Intro (2:15)
2. Client-side vs server-side search (2:23)
3. Adding a search method to the FakeProductsRepository (3:26)
4. Implementing client-side search with StateProvider and FutureProvider (7:18)
5. Riverpod caching with autoDispose and cacheTime (4:19)
6. Debouncing and cancelling network requests (3:40)
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13. New Riverpod 2.x APIs & Riverpod Generator (48m)
1. Introduction to Riverpod 2.x (2:11)
2. Starter project and updated code walkthrough (2:12)
3. Installing the Riverpod Generator package (2:40)
4. Generating providers with the @riverpod syntax (5:08)
5. Migrating some more providers to Riverpod Generator + the keepAlive syntax (7:44)
6. Migrating the AccountScreenController from StateNotifier to AsyncNotifier (7:53)
7. Converting the AccountScreenController to use Riverpod Generator (4:17)
8. How to check if an AsyncNotifier is mounted (5:57)
9. How to write unit tests for AsyncNotifier subclasses (6:50)
10. Wrap Up (1:05)
11. Conclusion & Next Steps (1:30)
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5. Migrating some more providers to Riverpod Generator + the keepAlive syntax
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