Technical planning: local vs remote storage


Local vs Remote storage?


✅ Fastest access to data

✅ Offline first

❌ Delete the app, lose the data


✅ Sync data across devices

✅ Share data between users

→ May or may not support offline storage

Writing a social media app? Use a remote backend such as Firebase

Writing a habit tracker without social features? Use a local database. But which one?

Local persistent storage

This page contains a list of all the popular options:

What do we need?

  • a key-value store?
  • a NoSQL database?
  • a SQL-based database?
  • does it need to be fast or not?
  • does it need to support data encryption?

For our use case, using a key-value store is more than enough.

Out of all the key-value stores that are available, Hive has the best performance and a simple and intuitive API.

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